Mitkees & Webcenter

Into the charm of Oracle Webcenter and ADF

Tag Archives: webcenter extension

Update web.xml in webcenter portal

Sometimes you need to update the web.xml for webcenter portal if you want to disable compression or add servelets or change the session timeout.

As you know the webcenter potal (AKA Spaces before) is already deployed application .

In order to update the web.xml you need to create extension shared library and add web.xml to it with your updates. here are simple steps to do it:

  1. download webcenter extensions for jdevloper from here
  2. add these extensions to your jdevloper follow this blog
  3. create new application “webcenter portal server extension”
  4. you will find 2 projects “PortalExtension” & “PortalSharedLibrary”
  5. expand PortalSharedLibrary and find the web.xml under WEB-INF
  6. update web.xml as you want
  7. right click on project > project properties > deployment> edit
  8. under web files mark the web.xml to be included in the deployment.
  9. ok then ok
  10. locate the MANIFEST.MF under the project
  11. change the version Implementation-Version & Specification-Version
  12. save
  13. deploy to the server
  14. restart the managed server